Saturday, June 23, 2012

Palawan Getaway!

Last May 17, 2012 my parents and I went to Palawan for a vacation. It was our first ever out of town vacation out of the island of Luzon and it was definitely an awesome experience! And I can say that it's really MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES! Going there, I experienced a lot of 'first times' like it was my first time to ride an airplane, first time to go far away from home,  first time to experience turbulence (so fun hahaha!!!), and most of all it was my first time in Palawan!

at NAIA terminal 3

I enjoyed taking photos of the clouds!!! Super fun to see them. So fluffy =))

We left Manila around 4:30 in the afternoon so we arrived in Palawan at almost 5:30 P.M. We stayed at Dangkalan Resort. The resort is about 15-20 minutes away from the airport. It's quite far and isolated but we had a good time there. The place is so peaceful, no pollution, and they serve really good food. Since we arrived there late in the afternoon, almost night time already, we just ate dinner,  fixed our stuffs, took some photos, and recharged for tomorrow's activities.

Hello Palawan ^__^
Greens at Puerto Princesa Airport
Sumptuous dinner at Dangkalan Restaurant

Me and Mama played dressing up =D

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